Thursday, December 27, 2012


It's almost Friday and almost the end of the year!! I can't believe how fast all the winter/fall holidays came and went. It was a busy 3 months for me. I'm glad to be able to sit back and catch my breath for a minute and be creative again. My newest project was this necklace I like to call "Heavenly". As I created this piece I thought about what faith would look like in a form of art. How I saw the beauty of my beliefs in color and metals strung on a wire. I'm learning as I get older how wonderful it feels to have faith in what you believe. To know that the wonders, the journey, the innocense, and the beauty in whats beyond the "now" is incredible. I think in our busy everyday lives we tend to forget and I find myself doing it all the time and then there are those moments where it hits me....we could all use a little faith because it makes for a better day, a better week, a better month, and many better years. In the wake of all of the todays and tommorrows tragedies, faith keeps me at peace knowing the beauty that awaits by just believing. "Heavenly" Have a little faith.... ;)
Catch a Glimpse Button

Until Next Time... Peace and Love Always,

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